All is meaningless

a 5

Nothing has meaning except the one we choose to give.

All is perception, all is reaction.

Everything is just the way it is

We are the ones putting a meaning on it

Either good or bad

It is neither really

But it takes on the definition we chose to put on it

And according to that definition, we are going to respond a certain way

Which is going to make us feel happy or not

The situation itself doesn`t create happiness or unhappiness,

Our reaction to it does.

We need to remember that

If we react negatively to a situation, we always have the power to change it.

We can’t change the situation, but we can change our reaction to it.

Choose a meaning that serves you.

Discard everything else.

30 Comments Add yours

  1. Marty says:

    I always say let go of the storyline, connect the breath to the body sensation and be aware of you, your body mechanisms and functions.


  2. mick timpson says:

    I really like this Karen, although a better title might be, ‘All is Meaningful’ as when we choose to let go the true reality of everything appears…keep up the good work.


  3. sanora1 says:

    I’d tell you this was a good post, except I know I’m only overlaying my personal feelings onto it. Ah what the hell,..I’ll tell you I like it anyway!


  4. David says:

    If i can change my perception (my own subjective view of objective information from my senses) my attitude may change, and with a better attitude comes better behaviour. But perception is just information with my own biases adding my view to it. Personalising it. But meditation helps to calm my biases

    Liked by 1 person

  5. bipolar2what says:

    Good advice. Not easy to practice though.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Perfect, I wish we could teach this to every child and adult in the world. Maybe we would have more peace. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Perception is key to whether or not we live in fear or love. When you see a dandelion ready to seed, do you perceive a weed or a wish? We all need these reminders to see the beauty in everything around us. Thank you for the reminder and for visiting Tovarysh. Namaste.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. We can sometimes change the situation by changing our action.
    Choose a meaning that serves you AND balance with nature!
    Discard the foulness and promote the truth and live healthy!


  9. rivieradinah says:

    Love this – it’s just what I need to hear and meditate on. ❤


  10. iprattis says:

    Dear Karen, I see that you are following my blog. My blog on Jung, Consciousness and Default Position of the Mind may be of interest to you. Check it out


    1. karenwilson says:

      Thanks for that 🙂


  11. Reblogged this on Chaotic Pharmacology and commented:
    Interesting blog by Karen Wilson.
    First reblog on ” All is meaningless”


  12. mmnelson827 says:

    Hi Karen,
    Thanks for this wonderful post! I don’t know if you listen to any channeled beings, but the entity Bashar often talks of how life is meaningless, until we apply meaning to it. Your post very poetically discusses this point. knowing this gives us the option to step back and think before we judge something or assign meaning to it. Life is truly whatever we want it to be! Thanks:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. karenwilson says:

      Hi, Yes I`ve watched a few of Bashar videos, I love it, he`s got a simple and easy way of explaining the truth.
      The way we choose to experience life is inside ourselves, not outside:)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. rod says:

    Basically I agree with this, though if I had terminal cancer (to take just one example) I wouldn’ take comfort from it.


  14. julie says:

    I believe that; life’s meaning is subjective to every person, and that we can gain from all our experiences, if viewed the right way.

    Travel Safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. James Williams says:

    Hello there Karen,
    Thanks for stopping by and say Hi via my blog a day or so ago.

    You write with beautiful clarity, even better than many mystics of centuries gone by.

    The words ‘Choose a meaning that serves you. Discard everything else,’ seem individualistic in nature. Was that an intent behind them?

    From a different perspective, we could say that meaning can also be socially constructed when two or more people talk (in addition to being constructed in our own ‘individual’ minds). People (usually and not always) talk about what they value (what is important to them). Therefore, as a person, if I observe an event and choose a meaning about it that serves me, I choose it because it is associated with what is important about that event to me.

    If I fail to communicate the meaning that I have constructed (in my individual mind) to another person, then perhaps I am setting myself up for reacting when that person does something that – unknowingly to them at the time – traverses my values.

    However, if I had communicated my values and (individual) meaning to that person in a discussion, and – if appropriate – allowed my values to be gently molded as a result of our interaction together, then my values and meaning become shared meaning and shared valued. The other person may – and not necessarily always – take on a meaning that was originally mine, and perhaps also co-create a meaning that serves us (and not just me).

    What comes to you Karen as you read this :o)


    Liked by 1 person

    1. karenwilson says:

      Hi James, thank you for liking my writing and thank you for your input. I hope i understood well what you meant. I think you right saying that that a shared meaning could be more beneficial to a group situation. Yet meanings are individual perspectives and i don`t think we can impose a meaning on someone else, often it doesnt really work. But discussing which meaning we each perceive, with our beliefs listened to and accepted by others even if they are not shared, could be enough 🙂


  16. romerom2014 says:

    Yes I learned about this in one of my psychology classes for my Masters in Marriage and Family and in outpatient group therapy for depression. What you are talking about is the basis for cognitive behavioral therapy. Dr. Aaron Beck of Beck’s Depression Inventory is the father of this school of thought and he is still going strong at 90.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. karenwilson says:

      Thanks for this information, very interesting!

      Liked by 1 person

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