Be yourself

meditation retreat

Just be yourself

don`t try or pretend to be someone else

just be who you are

you are perfect as you are

shine your light

don`t be scared

don`t worry about what other people think

don`t pay attention to what other people do

they all have their own fears, worries and insecurity, trying to hide them by also wishing to be someone else.

if you were not good enough, you wouldn`t be there in the first place.

Let go of judgments

Let go of fears

Embrace who you are, all that you are

Let go of perfection, it does not exist

Everything is OK, you will be fine.

Just be yourself

You are alive, you exist! That itself is amazing.

Enjoy that life

Share all your talents to the world, you have so many!

Just be yourself

Just BE

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Andy says:

    Really lovely – and sums it all up for me! X


  2. rosewiltshire says:

    That’s lovely! I hope you don’t mind if I re-blog this? Xx


    1. karenwilson says:

      Thank you for re-blogging 🙂


  3. rosewiltshire says:

    Reblogged this on roseversusblackdog and commented:
    Check out this lovely message from a lovely person.

    (I’m still working out my authentic self is but when I find it I hope to share with unapologetic courage xx)


  4. Marty says:

    A recent quote

    “Freedom is the ability not to care what the other person thinks.”

    Mindfulness allows us the capacity to let approval or disapproval fade.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. woundstofeel says:

    Thank you for posting this. I concur!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Marie says:

    Very nice!


  7. bipolar2what says:

    Sometimes with bipolar disorder I lose myself. I have a hard time finding myself between the hypo mania and depression. I want to be myself more than ever. Enjoyed your post.


    1. karenwilson says:

      Glad you enjoyed the post. Things are not always easy but letting go of the resistance make them easier. Try to Accept and love all that you are, ups and downs.


  8. Kirsten says:

    Reblogged this on Journey Into Balance and commented:
    I love this – it so true and yet so easy to forget.


  9. bjsscribbles says:

    Well said brilliant. The juggling of life and all it turmiol


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